1998 End of Year Ministry Story

Tarangau, Mt Hagen, WHP, 1998.

Tarangau was still growing, led by Hagen ETS

Now Tarangau is a big church—one of the church ETS started ministry in them when they were young and growing. David and Joe led the meeting which saw the growing of the small church—the church continued to invite ETS for other programs.

Yalum, Mulitaka, Enga, 1998.

Yalum had a missionary this time—the missionary was sent there after seeing the beginning of an expanding mission area

ETS started its first medical/evangelistic campaign. At that time, 4th year medical student, Dr. Jeff Tore led in a day clinic and ETS ran the evangelistic campaign in the afternoon. People came as far as Sepik border to get medical advice. Two heathen mothers were converted to Adventism then.

1998 End of Year Ministry Gallery